Friday, April 20, 2007

Antartica was Warm in the past?

How can Antarctica be Warm?
On April 20, 2007 tiny fossil diatoms were discovered deep down in the ocean floor. This revealed a significant truth about Antarctica's past about 10 million years ago. Yes, it is true that it was much much hotter in the past. Let me start at the beginning so that you get it. First it was cold and there was a lot of ice in Antarctica. Then it became really hot in the middle, which the scientists very recently learned. Now, it's cold again. The scientists working on this topic were very surprised by the single-celled algae. They had never seen some of these diatoms and others they had only seen in waters with really really high temperatures. Scientists say that these diatoms are new to science and will help them understand future climate changes. Now their new goal is to recover sedimentary records close to Antarctica so that they can learn about Antarctica's history and understand how it's related to global warming. Hopefully, global warming will not occur again, but be prepared just in case

To learn more about global warming visit:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thx for the comment
and yea i made the font way smaller
besides your article is g0o0o0o0o0o0o0d!!
great work<33